7 Ways to Bring Cash  to Your Business


UOWD alumna and winner of the 2015 Young Alumni Award, Mona Tavassoli - CEO and Founder, Mompreneurs Worldwide was in a conversation recently with Arpana Sharma – Manager Alumni and Industry Engagement, UOWD. In this session Mona shared valuable insights and information on the topic “7 Ways to Bring Cash to Your Business”.

Here is a recording of the Live Webinar.  

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About UOWD

Launched in 1993, UOWD is one of the longest-serving international universities in the UAE, and a premier Australian university in the region, with more than 27 years of success-proven experience.  It is part of a global brand that has universities located in Australia, Hong Kong and Malaysia. UOWD offers 43 internationally and regionally accredited degrees from 10 industry sectors, including Engineering, Business, ICT, Communications & Media, Nursing, Education, Finance and many more. UOWD provides a truly borderless higher education experience, preparing students for the office and boardroom of the future by offering a truly unique and multicultural university experience.

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Hi, I'm Mona Tavassoli


I am an entrepreneur, mother of two, and the founder of Mompreneurs Worldwide, an organization for
like-minded women entrepreneurs.
I believe that having a successful business and a thriving family is not a zero sum game, with the right support and mindset. We work to create an environment where women can feel fulfilled in every aspect of their lives.
Everything that we do is based on main our "Why" which is: Empowered Mothers Raise Empowered Leaders, and we empower women through education and entrepreneurship. 
It took me years of study and research to find harmony in my life as a mother and entrepreneur, and I have made it my mission to create a community of supportive like-minded female entrepreneurs and give you the tools to create the life and business you deserve without compromising on you or your family.
I am a proud alumna of UOWD holding dual degrees: Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of International Business. I have participated at TEDx UOWD and I am honored to be the recipient of the 2015 UOWD Young Alumni Award. I am grateful for the opportunities to give back to my university.

About The Mompreneur Academy


The Mompreneur Academy is the educational and training division of Mompreneurs Wordwide. It is a knowledge sharing platform designed to show you the blueprint to succeed in different areas of life, such as Business, Wellbeing, Family, Financials, Mindset and more.

Knowledge is power and as said beautifully by Albert Einstein: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Each course is designed to educate and empower you to enhance the quality of your life.